January 25, 2021: Super Korean New Years with Grandma
Written and illustrated for 5- to 7-year-olds, this book celebrates grandmas, superheroes without whom none of us would exist, and the cultural traditions they bear that unify and nourish families across space and time. The millennia-old Korean New Year’s tradition exemplifies the universal importance of multi-generational family and of immigrant origins.
Also available in Korean
2021 Catalog
We are thrilled to introduce our 2021 TBR Books Catalog. We publish researchers and practitioners who seek to engage diverse communities on topics related to education, languages, cultural history, and social initiatives.
August 15, 2020: Immigrant Dreams (paperback)
by Barbara Goldowsky
Immigrant Dreams is a memoir — the story of one immigrant’s journey in 1950 from postwar Germany to the United States. Born in 1936 under Hitler’s regime, Barbara’s earliest years are shaped by WWII and its atrocities. Five postwar years later, she immigrates to the USA as a teenager where her American dream begins to take shape.
August 1, 2020: Noah Henry – Une histoire d’arcs-en-ciel
by Deana Sobel Lederman
Comme chaque jour, Noah Henry se prépare pour aller à l’école. Mais alors qu’il s’apprête à partir ses parents lui apprennent que l’école est fermée. Malheureusement, le zoo est également fermé et il ne pourra pas non plus aller jouer avec son copain. La situation ne change pas même lorsqu’après un coup de fil de leur institutrice son petit frère et lui décident de se laver les mains comme recommandé. Lors d’une promenade en famille, il remarque que ses amis ont tous dessiné de petits arcs-en-ciel qu’ils ont accrochés à leur fenêtre. Il réalise alors qu’ils partagent tous la même incertitude sur le lendemain mais qu’ils pourront probablement bientôt retourner jouer ensemble.
August 1, 2020: La leçon de couture
by Deana Sobel Lederman
Un bruit mystérieux et une lumière venant du salon éveille l’intérêt de la jeune protagoniste. Cherchant d’où provient ce bruit, elle rejoint le salon où elle trouve sa mère attablée et occupée à coudre des masques. Elle apprend également que tous les travailleurs mobilisés doivent porter un masque. Une fois la réticence dépassée, l’enfant accepte de porter un masque coloré fabriqué par sa mère et demande à apprendre à coudre elle aussi. Elle souhaite confectionner un masque pour son grand-père qui, touché par le geste, la serre dans ses bras à son retour d’une garde fatigante à l’hôpital.
August 1, 2020: Noah Henry : Une histoire d’arcs-en-ciel
by Deana Sobel Lederman
Comme chaque jour, Noah Henry se prépare pour aller à l’école. Mais alors qu’il s’apprête à partir ses parents lui apprennent que l’école est fermée. Malheureusement, le zoo est également fermé et il ne pourra pas non plus aller jouer avec son copain. La situation ne change pas même lorsqu’après un coup de fil de leur institutrice son petit frère et lui décident de se laver les mains comme recommandé. Lors d’une promenade en famille, il remarque que ses amis ont tous dessiné de petits arcs-en-ciel qu’ils ont accrochés à leur fenêtre. Il réalise alors qu’ils partagent tous la même incertitude sur le lendemain mais qu’ils pourront probablement bientôt retourner jouer ensemble.
July 15, 2020: Two Centuries of French Education (hardcover)
By Jane Flatau Ross
The globalization of schooling has become a lively focus for research in the field of international education; however, few scholars have looked at specific model “global” schools. This history of French schools outside of France, and specifically French schools in New York, proposes that the network of over 490 French schools in 130 countries constitutes a fruitful field of research into globalization in practice in elementary and secondary education. A case study of the Lycée Français de New York (1935 – present) and other French schools in New York explores how the French national education system functions not only beyond the hexagon of France itself, but also beyond the strictly colonial “civilizing mission” that was advanced by French schools in both French colonies and former colonies. The history of these New York schools, dating back to the early nineteenth century, also provides insights into French cultural diplomacy and the changing nature of Franco-American relations through the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries.
June, 15 2020: The Sewing Lesson
by Deana Sobel Lederman
The mysterious humming noise and the light coming from the living room are keeping the young protagonist of this story awake. To understand what is going on, she reaches the room where her mother is and realises that she’s busy sewing protective masks. She also finds out that from now on all essential workers and all those who have to commute to go to work, must wear a mask. Once the young lady’s reluctance is won, and she resolves to wear a colourful mask made by her mother, she asks her to teach her how to sew. She wants to make a mask for her grandfather, who, touched by her gesture, hugs her tight as he walks in after his tiring shift at the hospital.
June 15 2020: Masks!
by Deana Sobel Lederman
The young protagonists of this story are told by their families that from now on everybody will have to wear a protective mask, and that they will be asked to keep their distance from each other. As the masks are purchased and delivered, the young people set out to the ice-cream shop, each one accompanied by a parent. The are amused to see adults wearing funny hats as a reminder of this new rule. However, social distancing and masks will not turn their spirit off and their enthusiasm is further reinforced by seeing and waiving at each other as they queue up. Once everyone has walked into the shop in turn, and bought their ice cream, they all go back to their respective homes to enjoy their gelato.
June, 15 2020: Noah Henry: A Rainbow Story
by Deana Sobel Lederman
Just like any other day, Noah Henry is getting ready to go to school until he is told by his parents that the school is closed. Sadly, the zoo is also closed and he won’t be able to play with his little friends, either. The situation doesn’t change even when, after talking to his teacher, he and his younger brother wash their hands as they are told. Not until he goes out for a walk with his family, does he notice that his friends have drawn a rainbow and displayed it on their windows, realising that they also share the same uncertainty, and that hopefully soon, they will all play together again.
May 15, 2020: Can We Agree to Disagree? (paperback, hardcover)
by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt
At first, it seems that being French or American is kind of the same. But once we start sharing the same office, we realize that we do not understand each other as much as we anticipated. Soon enough, we become suspicious, judgmental, frustrated… Working together becomes a challenge.
Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt, throughout their respective careers have experienced these complex and also sometimes comical situations. To better understand this conundrum, they have interviewed 50 professionals—French and Americans—who have spent years working with “the other side”. This book is about their stories. It offers practical solutions for anyone working in a Franco-American context. It will help smash the stereotypes and accelerate mutual understanding. It’s time to leverage our curiosity and open-mindedness, to achieve more successful collaborations!
May 5, 2020: Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes (ebook)
by Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne
Cultural competence is a critical skill teachers must posses if they are going to connect with racially diverse students. Misunderstanding or ignorance of the Latino value system, history, and culture create barriers between teachers and students that significantly deteriorate their potential for learning. Consider how you would typically greet a friend or a relative. Perhaps you would shake hands or even hug. In the Latino culture, it’s common to greet loved ones with an embrace and a kiss on the cheek. Anything less may be taken as an affront. If something as simple as “hello” can create tension, how challenging is it to navigate teaching and learning in the classroom? Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes takes a close look at interactions between Latino students and Non-Latino teachers in ways that develop and expand the cultural competence of teachers. Preservice and veteran educators alike will benefit from current research and theories on Latinos and education as well as the personal essays presenting that reveal the raw perspective of Latinos as they deal with racism and marginalization. Educators will have a deeper understanding of the Latino experience and practical strategies for creating a positive and safe environment for learning.
May 1, 2020: Two Centuries of French Education (ebook)
by Jane Flatau Ross
The globalization of schooling has become a lively focus for research in the field of international education; however, few scholars have looked at specific model “global” schools. This history of French schools outside of France, and specifically French schools in New York, proposes that the network of over 490 French schools in 130 countries constitutes a fruitful field of research into globalization in practice in elementary and secondary education. A case study of the Lycée Français de New York (1935 – present) and other French schools in New York explores how the French national education system functions not only beyond the hexagon of France itself, but also beyond the strictly colonial “civilizing mission” that was advanced by French schools in both French colonies and former colonies. The history of these New York schools, dating back to the early nineteenth century, also provides insights into French cultural diplomacy and the changing nature of Franco-American relations through the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries.
April 15, 2020: La Rivoluzione bilingue (Hardcover)
by Fabrice Jaumont
Concepito come un libro pratico ed accessibile, è in grado di accompagnarvi efficacemente nello sviluppo di un vostro progetto, “La Rivoluzione bilingue” è la narrazione di un movimento nato a Brooklyn e raccontato attraverso gli occhi dei genitori e degli educatori che hanno iniziato programmi bilingui nelle loro scuole. Questo nella profonda convinzione che l’istruzione bilingue sia un bene pubblico talmente potente da dover essere offerto dovunque perché’ in grado di trasformare positivamente un bambino, una scuola, un intero paese.
February 15, 2020: Our Catalog is now in 4 languages
Our catalogs are now available in English, French, Russian, Chinese, and more languages will be added in the near future. Check them out here
February 15, 2020: La Rivoluzione bilingue (ebook)
by Fabrice Jaumont
Concepito come un libro pratico ed accessibile, è in grado di accompagnarvi efficacemente nello sviluppo di un vostro progetto, “La Rivoluzione bilingue” è la narrazione di un movimento nato a Brooklyn e raccontato attraverso gli occhi dei genitori e degli educatori che hanno iniziato programmi bilingui nelle loro scuole. Questo nella profonda convinzione che l’istruzione bilingue sia un bene pubblico talmente potente da dover essere offerto dovunque perché’ in grado di trasformare positivamente un bambino, una scuola, un intero paese.
February 1, 2020: Two Centuries of French Education in New York (paperback)
by Jane Ross
The globalization of schooling has become a lively focus for research in the field of international education; however, few scholars have looked at specific model “global” schools. This history of French schools outside of France, and specifically French schools in New York, proposes that the network of over 490 French schools in 130 countries constitutes a fruitful field of research into globalization in practice in elementary and secondary education. A case study of the Lycée Français de New York (1935 – present) and other French schools in New York explores how the French national education system functions not only beyond the hexagon of France itself, but also beyond the strictly colonial “civilizing mission” that was advanced by French schools in both French colonies and former colonies. The history of these New York schools, dating back to the early nineteenth century, also provides insights into French cultural diplomacy and the changing nature of Franco-American relations through the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries.
February 1, 2020: Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes (paperback)
by Tammy Oberg De La Garza and Alyson Leah Lavigne
Cultural competence is a critical skill teachers must posses if they are going to connect with racially diverse students. Misunderstanding or ignorance of the Latino value system, history, and culture create barriers between teachers and students that significantly deteriorate their potential for learning. Consider how you would typically greet a friend or a relative. Perhaps you would shake hands or even hug. In the Latino culture, it’s common to greet loved ones with an embrace and a kiss on the cheek. Anything less may be taken as an affront. If something as simple as “hello” can create tension, how challenging is it to navigate teaching and learning in the classroom? Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes takes a close look at interactions between Latino students and Non-Latino teachers in ways that develop and expand the cultural competence of teachers. Preservice and veteran educators alike will benefit from current research and theories on Latinos and education as well as the personal essays presenting that reveal the raw perspective of Latinos as they deal with racism and marginalization. Educators will have a deeper understanding of the Latino experience and practical strategies for creating a positive and safe environment for learning.
January 15, 2020: Rewolucja Dwujęzyczna (ebook)
by Fabrice Jaumont
Pomyślana jako praktyczna i dostępna książka, która wspomoże Twój projekt, Rewolucja Dwujęzyczna, jest historią ruchu zapoczątkowanego na Brooklynie opowiedzianą przez pryzmat rodziców i pedagogów, którzy założyli programy dwujęzyczne w swoich szkołach, aby pokazać, że edukacja bilingwalna jest dobrem wspólnym, które powinno być powszechnie dostępne, ponieważ może pozytywnie zmienić dziecko, szkołę, a nawet cały kraj.
January 15, 2020: El regalo de las lenguas (ebook)
by Kathleen Stein-Smith and Fabrice Jaumont
El regalo de las lenguas explora las abundantes ventajas de la educación multilingüe y prepara el escenario para un nuevo paradigma en la manera en que abordamos la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los idiomas. Este libro alude brevemente al problema del déficit de lenguas extranjeras en Estados Unidos y a las modificaciones que tendrían que llevarse a cabo en las escuelas para atender de mejor manera a nuestros niños y a las comunidades lingüísticas. Asimismo, explora el crecimiento de la educación dual de lengua en los años recientes y la conexión entre la programación multilingüe y la resolución del problema de los idiomas y lenguas en este país.