New Release


December 15, 2019: Rewolucja Dwujęzyczna (paperback)

by Fabrice Jaumont

Pomyślana jako praktyczna i dostępna książka, która wspomoże Twój projekt, Rewolucja Dwujęzyczna, jest historią ruchu zapoczątkowanego na Brooklynie opowiedzianą przez pryzmat rodziców i pedagogów, którzy założyli programy dwujęzyczne w swoich szkołach, aby pokazać, że edukacja bilingwalna jest dobrem wspólnym, które powinno być powszechnie dostępne, ponieważ może pozytywnie zmienić dziecko, szkołę, a nawet cały kraj.

December 1, 2019: La Rivoluzione bilingue (paperback)

by Fabrice Jaumont

Concepito come un libro pratico ed accessibile, è in grado di accompagnarvi efficacemente nello sviluppo di un vostro progetto, “La Rivoluzione Bilingue” è la narrazione di un movimento nato a Brooklyn e raccontato attraverso gli occhi dei genitori e degli educatori che hanno iniziato programmi bilingui nelle loro scuole. Questo nella profonda convinzione che l’istruzione bilingue sia un bene pubblico talmente potente da dover essere offerto dovunque perché’ in grado di trasformare positivamente un bambino, una scuola, un intero Paese.

November 15, 2019: El regalo de las lenguas (paperback)

by Kathleen Stein-Smith & Fabrice Jaumont

El regalo de las lenguas explora las abundantes ventajas de la educación multilingüe y prepara el escenario para un nuevo paradigma en la manera en que abordamos la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los idiomas. Este libro alude brevemente al problema del déficit de lenguas extranjeras en Estados Unidos y a las modificaciones que tendrían que llevarse a cabo en las escuelas para atender de mejor manera a nuestros niños y a las comunidades lingüísticas. Asimismo, explora el crecimiento de la educación dual de lengua en los años recientes y la conexión entre la programación multilingüe y la resolución del problema de los idiomas y lenguas en este país.

August 15, 2019: The Other Shore (ebook)

by Maristella Lorch

The Other Shore is the closing volume of Maristella Lorch’s trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. Interweaving memory and history, the personal and the global, The Other Shore, that begins with the death of Lorch’s second husband and the flashback to their torrid love affair on the Columbia campus in the early 50’s, focuses on the space of the imagination and the drive to build a family, not only a genetic one but an intellectual and creative one that defies time and geography.

August 1, 2019: Le don des langues (paperback)

By Kathleen Stein-Smith & Fabrice Jaumont

L’émergence de nouveaux standards internationaux et l’intérêt pour l’éducation en STEM sont en train de transformer le secteur éducatif dans son ensemble. Cependant, alors que les écoles se concentrent davantage sur le développement des compétences globales et propres à notre siècle, il est devenu crucial de réengager les éducateurs et les communautés scolaires dans les objectifs de l’éducation linguistique, du plurilinguisme et de l’alphabétisation multiple tout en promouvant l’interconnectivité, l’empathie et la compréhension mutuelle entre les jeunes. En gardant cela à l’esprit, il est important de comprendre le potentiel de l’éducation plurilingue comme une réponse aux nouvelles attentes de notre société et une source d’outils essentiels au succès des jeunes générations.

July 4, 2019: A Journey through Childhood (paperback and ebook)

By Darcey Hale

In A Journey Through Childhood the author leaves behind Lydia Clark, a young widow, and her husband, George, who disappeared mysteriously. Their ten-year-old eldest son, Orrin, now becomes the centerpiece. He is indentured to Billy Blinn, a pioneer farmer on Willsborough Point whose family embraces him as one of their own children. In return for food, clothing and a home to live in he apprentices as a farmer until he reaches his majority at age twenty-one. The story portrays Orrin within the context of life on The Point, and the daily events that took place there, as well as the impact that events in the broader arena, including the War of 1812, had upon Orrin Clark and the Blinn family.

July 4, 2019: The Other Shore (paperback)

by Maristella Lorch

The Other Shore is the closing volume of Maristella Lorch’s trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. Interweaving memory and history, the personal and the global, The Other Shore, that begins with the death of Lorch’s second husband and the flashback to their torrid love affair on the Columbia campus in the early 50’s, focuses on the space of the imagination and the drive to build a family, not only a genetic one but an intellectual and creative one that defies time and geography.

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