Beyond Gibraltar

Livre en anglais

Beyond Gibraltar is the second volume of Maristella Lorch’s trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. A story of personal transformation, of resilience, courage, confusion solved by resolution, Beyond Gibraltar is also a precious historical document on life during the first half of the 20thcentury, as seen from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Beyond Gibraltar interweaves memory and history as it traces the life of its author-protagonist through a fascinating period of modern history the birth of Fascism, World War II in Rome Open City, the beginning of the Cold War at the border with Yugoslavia, McCarthyism in the US. Born in the Austro-Italian Alps in the first part of the twentieth century, struggling and fighting her way for survival in war-torn Rome, boarding a military ship in February 1947 to travel to her new home in the United States as an American war-bride, and building her own version of the American Dream in New York City these are the basic elements of her story. A story of personal transformation, of resilience, courage, confusion solved by resolution, Beyond Gibraltar is also a precious historical document on life during the first half of the 20thcentury, as seen from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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